Tuesday, October 6, 2009


We moved our tv into a different room yesterday. It wasn't working properly and I just couldn't figure it out. Then I thought, "I should just call dad, he'll know what to do."

Later on, I was walking home from the post office with my son. We had run into a friend of my parents there and chatted a bit and heard some good news. I had the same thought, "I need to call dad and tell him."
Then I remembered that I can never call him again.

Why is my brain not working properly?


  1. Every day I have something I need to share with your dad, and how lonely it is to not be able to.

  2. i have been thinking how much i want to tell him i'm getting married... i think he would bug me about it and then get a proud look in his eye and say "good job brat"
