Yesterday's theme was where you live.
So I'll do that today
I am grateful that my husband and I moved back to the town that I grew up in a year after we were married. I spent a lot of time at my parents house when my son was first born and my dad and my son were very close. We had talked many times of moving to the East Coast but never did. Had we done so, I would have regretted it immensely when my dad died. As it turned out - we stayed and I was very close to my dad. Something I will always be thankful for.
I am also grateful that I have my mom, sister and Grandma (and uncle at present time) living in the same town as us. It is so nice to be close to family.
Sometimes small town life is annoying. But for the most part - I love where I live. I love getting to know new people at my job and chatting with those I already know. I love being able to go for a walk and saying hi to everyone I pass whether I know them or not.
Sometimes though, I think I should move here:
Dana, Saskatchewan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hamlet of Dana is located in Saskatchewan
Hamlet of Dana
Country Canada
Province Saskatchewan
Dana is a hamlet in Saskatchewan located and the intersection of Saskatchewan Highway 637 and Saskatchewan Highway 5. The hamlet is an un-incorporated place within the Rural Municipality of Bayne.
The hamlet at one point in time was closely associated with the CFS Dana, a nearby military installation that closed in 1987.

Dana, Saskatchewan- who knew?