Friday, February 12, 2010

Peaches and Cream

When I was little (around 8 or 9 I think) there was a Barbie that every little girl wanted and lots of my friends had. It was called "Peaches and Cream Barbie" She had the most beautiful peach dress with a long flowing skirt and a peach wraparound.

I had always heard the term "peaches and cream" and wondered what it would taste like. If they named a Barbie after it, it must be a really wonderful dessert.

So, my dad went out to the store and bought a peach and some real cream. Then he cut up the peach,put it in a bowl and poured some cream over it and gave it to me.

It tasted awful. Not sweet at all. Not what I was expecting at all.

So I didn't eat it.
What a waste.

My dad was probably a bit annoyed. But I don't remember it being a big deal.
I wanted to try it, so he let me.

That's what kind of dad my dad was.


  1. My friend Dani had that Barbie! I was okay with it because I had Crystal Barbie.

    I think your dad and my dad must have been a lot alike. What a "sweet" story.

  2. Now I've been to ebay. You can totally get both of them. Crystal is much cheaper though. I'm thinking Hannah is going to need a Crystal Barbie. :)If I had the money, I'd send you a Peaches and Cream.

  3. haha thanks Becky!
    Yes I agree, I think our dads were quite similar.

  4. What a beautiful memory of your dad. He had such a warm and generous heart and this story is a great example.

  5. I remember that Barbie (and fun times we had playing). I thought she was beautiful:)
