Thursday, February 18, 2010

Monkey Toast

We had a lovely brunch the other day. With lovely company.
Thick white bread with Nutella and banana slices sandwiched in between. Dipped in a chocolate french toast batter and fried to perfection. Topped with chocolate whipped cream. So yummy.
Christened Monkey Toast by my three year old because anything involving bananas and chocolate is associated with monkeys.
Try it sometime. I think we have found our new family holiday favorite.

On another note, my last GriefShare was about kids and grief. It was very interesting. Most things I had heard or realized. The one thing that stuck out in my mind was how kids might regress. Grief affects everything that is going on in life. I realized that when my dad died, our son's potty training flew out the window. I had never put the two together before. Of course!
Of course he stopped. I barely remember those first months now but I remember that they were extremely stressful. No wonder it has taken so long and still continues to be a battle somedays.
Man, I wish I'd realized this sooner.

They also suggested that people write a letter to children who have lost a parent. Close friends or family can write a letter telling the child how much their loved one meant to them, special memories and things like that. So I am going to write a letter to my little sister. It might not mean a lot now, but when she's older she will really appreciate it. So, if you are family or a friend who knew and loved my dad, you could do the same if so inclined. It would mean a lot to me and will to her as well.

1 comment:

  1. Death
    Mind-numbig emptiness
    Nothing can prepare you.
    Sometimes feeling there is no consolation, sometimes peace.
    A new dawn, where hope springs eternal.
    Will one day rise again.
    I know.

    God bless you. I love you and your sensitive heart.
    Your M-I-L
