I think I am just pushing emotions away right now because I'm already emotional enough being pregnant and mom to two other kids, trying to keep up my house while running a daycare.
That has been hard and I made the decision to be done a month earlier than I had planned. I'm just so tired. And still feel sick a lot. (so thankful for diclectin!) And we've dealt with some illnesses around here the past month that have been exhausting.
But enough complaining, it doesn't help anything.
I am thankful for friends who call and email and text and pop by and who understand when I can't call back, but love me anyway.
For my kids who love me no matter what, want to be with me even when I'm grumpy.
For a healthy baby growing inside me. (we can't wait to meet you!)
For my husband who has been cooking almost all of our suppers lately and does laundry when I am too tired to walk up and down the stairs and who works hard to take care of us.
For my family who are walking this same road as me and try to stay positive. (and excited for my mom - who just bought a new house!)
For my daycare families who have been so understanding.
That Spring is on it's way! Time to start thinking about flowers (tulips are my fav) and long walks and sunshine and BBQ's and relaxing on our deck!
and summer coffees on my front porch! Love you!
ReplyDeletedo you have tulips at your house? What are your favorite colours?