This is my latest addiction - searching for deals online.
I don't buy a lot. But have got a few really good deals:
- a fair trade, organic cotton adorable dress for my daughter for $12.50.
-awesome Autonomie Project Fair Trade Sneakers with organic cotton and sustainable soles for $25 total (shipping included)
-Ecobumz organic bamboo, AIO cloth diapers for $12 each (just waiting not-so-patiently for my washer to be installed by a plumber so they can be washed to try them out. The joys of living in a century old house with OLD plumbing)

-half priced amber necklace to try for my teething daughter because I was too cheap to pay full price for something I wasn't convinced would work. I do think it has helped though!
Some points to remember before buying:
- Deal a day sites can actually be bad for your budget. They’re all about buying on impulse. They create a sense of don’t-miss-out urgency that’s hard to resist. Take a few deep breaths before you buy and ask yourself these three questions:
Can actually use the item? If not, it’s not a bargain at all.
Is there a possibility you’ll want to return the item? All sales are final at some sites.
Is it still a deal after you factor in shipping costs?
- Keep in mind that some of the items may be final sale (no returns). Read up on the site’s return/exchange policy before you buy.
- Do a quick price comp to make sure you’re getting the deal you think you are.
- Shipping timelines on some items may be extended.
These are some of the sites I look at:
Hippo Bargains
Olivia Place
Some of my talented friends have started their own businesses! Check these out and shop locally!
Three Leaf Designs specializes in eco friendly, organic or alpaca (sometimes local yarn) hats. Children and adult hats available for custom orders. Amy's hats are gorgeous!
Odd Duck Creations makes handmade custom hats, diaper bags, and accessories made to fit your own personal style. Karis can pretty much make anything you ask her to! I gave her a picture of shoes I liked and she made some for my daughter.
Thanks for the advertising, Dana!