Tuesday, October 11, 2011
8 years
What a summer it's been. Actually what a year. Seriously. If you told me a year ago that I would be living in a different house and running a daycare I never would have believed it. What a crazy year!
It was our 8th Anniversary yesterday and this post still rings true.
So now it is 8 years, two houses, three kids, a minivan (something we said we'd never get!) two new jobs and too many events to name.
We went out for supper last night and were talking about what life was like when first got married. It's funny how we thought life was so stressful, yet we had a nice apartment and made a decent amount of money, could pay all of our bills and had no kids or a house to worry about.
Sometimes I wish we could go back to that time and just enjoy it.
But that is how life goes. It's all perspective now.
Sure it was stressful being newlyweds when none of our other friends were married, I worked two jobs and was going to University. But I still wish I could go back and tell my 21 year old self to just relax and enjoy things.
I guess the lesson is to just live in the moment. Not to worry about tomorrow and to enjoy life. Because you never know what's going to happen. And worrying never changes a thing.
So Happy 8 years to my wonderful husband. I am SO thankful for you.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
So here are some random thoughts:
2 year old house vs 102 year old house = awesome
We have too much stuff
Toddlers are hilarious. My daughter is adorable.
My four year old is so ready for school. He is driving me crazy (in a good way) with questions. Yet he declares that he "knows everything"
I miss my dad
I really hope our old house sells soon
I would like to see our nephew and meet our niece.
I love summer weather
I have amazing friends
Life is a breath
So blessed to be a mom and have a great mom, grandmas and mother in law
I love Chai lattes
So many people need help. What can I do?
I will never catch up on laundry
Pray without ceasing
My sister in law is a good listener and I complain to her too much
My husband loves me. No matter what.
Jesus does want us to be happy. And to love unconditionally
Heaven is really real.
I am So blessed. I cannot take anything for granted.
The world is going crazy.
Love is all you need.
Monday, April 4, 2011
We have no idea...
For the outreach portion of the school I went to Izmir, Turkey for two months. We worked alongside a missionary couple there who spent a lot of time working in the slums of Izmir.
I spent a lot of time with one family in particular. They were very poor. They had a two room apartment where the grandma, grandpa, mom and three little girls lived. The Grandpa had throat cancer and could no longer speak, and he made a bit of money selling balloons on the waterfront. The mom had to prostitute herself out when they ran out of money. I had never been around such poverty before. And the family accepted me as one of their own and loved me to bits. They were so friendly and loving. They always made me cay (chai tea) and always wanted me to eat whatever little bit of food they had. They had so little and shared it so willingly.
The missionary couple were from Denmark and moved to Izmir with their two small children. They learned Turkish and gave up their comfy life in Denmark to move to Turkey to share Jesus with the people in Turkey. They are an amazing family.
I have received updates from this family for the past ten years. They have gone through some very tough times. Yet, they stay in Turkey and serve the people there because that is what they have been called to do.
I received an email from them today. They have been working with a church in the red light distract of Izmir and the other day a man attacked the pastor.
This is an excerpt of the email:
"This Friday there was an evening of worship, and unfortunately we couldn’t be there. But at some time during the evening, our pastor was standing in front of the church, talking to a Turkish man, when a young man approached them, pulled a gun and started firing it at our pastor. The gun was shooting with blanks, but since they didn’t know that, they were shocked. Then the man pulled a rifle and wanted to shoot at them with that, but after they got over the shock they jumped upon him, tackled him and held him down. He managed to fire the rifle once, and it was loaded with real bullets, so it was only in the last second that they saved their lives. Besides the gun and rifle, the man also had pepperspray, smokebombs, a knife, and two guns with rubber bullets. They police came and took him away, and now we have a guard in front of the door when we are gathering. Every Sunday, since we started joining the meetings, there have been people making problems and noise in front of the church. This is a reality we face every day here, we never know when we can be attacked by a religious fanatic, but we pray to God for protection and boldness."
Reading this made me so thankful for the freedom to go to church on a Sunday and not to have to fear for my safety.
We have no idea how dangerous it can be in other countries. We are so blessed.
And we need to remember to pray for those who are living in other places...
Slum in Izmir

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
ch ch ch changes
So much has happened in the last two months.
Our daycare provider informed us that she would be moving in the summer. This came as a surprise and also a blessing in disguise.
I've been needing a change from work and the way life is now. I've been the community librarian for the past 6 years and while I love my job and the people I get to interact with, I've lost my energy for it.
So, we decided that if we could find the right house I would quit my job and stay home with our children and start a little daycare myself.
Getting kids to fill my daycare has proven very easy. I already have 11 part-time kids. All of whom I know their parents and know that the kids are great and will get along with mine. Which of course is top priority.
Finding the right house was more of a challenge. We looked at almost every house that was for sale in town. Every one that was in our price range was terrible. Smelled like smoke (or worse), was lived in by someone being charged with murder (true story), needed tons of repairs or didn't have a basement and was very tiny.
Finally we looked at one that was over our budget - and it was perfect. Two years old, unfinished huge basement with big windows (perfect for a daycare), lovely kitchen, an ensuite (be still my heart - I've been dreaming of a bathroom on the same level for 7 years now!), nice size yard with great deck, wonderful neighbours, attached garage etc etc (and did I mention wonderful neighbours?)
So, with some help from my wonderful mother, my friend who is a mortgage broker and running numbers over and over again (looking after one or two kids every weekday) it will be possible.
So we put an offer in. And got our house!
Then I gave my notice and the search is on for another librarian.
It all happened very quickly, but I know God is in control. So I'm trying not to feel overwhelmed.
We get possession next week! We'll paint, move in and then fix up our 102 year old house (with some help from my wonderful uncle, brother and rest of my family) then hopefully sell our old house fairly quickly. And get on with things!
I hope to start taking kids in May once we're settled.
We are so excited to have a house where we'll be able to have people over for BBQ's and gatherings. I'm even having my whole family over for Easter supper!
Feeling so blessed.

Did I mention I get a fabulous kitchen! I am dreaming of all the lovely cookies and treats and bread and meals that my kids and I will prepare in this kitchen.
Walk in pantry, normal size stove (I have an apartment size one in right now), huge fridge, big window, open with enough room for more than one person at a time!
I cannot wait!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Recently I've been reading quite a few blogs about loss and grief and faith. You never know when things will change drastically. It can happen in a minute.
Life is a Breath
A little perspective is a good thing. I am beyond blessed. I have so much to be thankful for. I had my dad for 26 years and even though I am sad, I need to remember to count my blessings. And also to enjoy the family and friends I do have here - not always be longing for the ones that are gone. There is always someone who has it much worse than me.
In the grand scheme of things, our family has had it pretty good. Everyone experiences loss at some point. It's just a matter of when...
My friend Becky also lost her dad recently and blogged one day about how we need to remember our blessings despite our sadness and grief.
How Can They Hear is heartbreaking and inspiring. They just lost their daughter. I cannot imagine how painful that must be.
This is a family member of some friends. Journeying is an amazing woman who lost her husband in a car crash. Her children were all severely injured but are on the mend.
My mom. What can I say? I love her and am so grateful for her. As I've said before, to see her remain rooted in faith, be a single parent at this stage of the game to my 10 year old sister (also to my brother and I), Grandma to five others, and to continue teaching and active in her career is amazing and also inspiring.
A blog written by different widows.
A woman named Bonnie who lost her husband while pregnant with their second child
A grieving husband and father.
It's hard not to be feel a little depressed when reading all of these. But it's also hard not to be encouraged, inspired and uplifted too.
Today, be encouraged and inspired. And count your blessings. One by one.
Monday, January 31, 2011
This is one of mine.
It has always been one of my favourite verses.
I have always kept the note right there.
The first time I found it after he died, I fell apart. But now it is one tangible thing that I can look at whenever I need to.
I am so thankful to have something with his handwriting on it, and for the verse itself.
It is one of my most precious possessions.
We also found a note in my dad's wallet with this verse written on it after he died.
It was included in Rick's message at the funeral.
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
I am struggling right now.
Some friends lost their dad last week after a long battle with cancer. My heart breaks for them.
It seems there is heartache everywhere I turn
Yet there is hope. Which I cling to.
1 Thessalonians 4:13 (The Message)
And regarding the question, friends, that has come up about what happens to those already dead and buried, we don't want you in the dark any longer. First off, you must not carry on over them like people who have nothing to look forward to, as if the grave were the last word. Since Jesus died and broke loose from the grave, God will most certainly bring back to life those who died in Jesus.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Good Deals

This is my latest addiction - searching for deals online.
I don't buy a lot. But have got a few really good deals:
- a fair trade, organic cotton adorable dress for my daughter for $12.50.
-awesome Autonomie Project Fair Trade Sneakers with organic cotton and sustainable soles for $25 total (shipping included)
-Ecobumz organic bamboo, AIO cloth diapers for $12 each (just waiting not-so-patiently for my washer to be installed by a plumber so they can be washed to try them out. The joys of living in a century old house with OLD plumbing)

-half priced amber necklace to try for my teething daughter because I was too cheap to pay full price for something I wasn't convinced would work. I do think it has helped though!
Some points to remember before buying:
- Deal a day sites can actually be bad for your budget. They’re all about buying on impulse. They create a sense of don’t-miss-out urgency that’s hard to resist. Take a few deep breaths before you buy and ask yourself these three questions:
Can actually use the item? If not, it’s not a bargain at all.
Is there a possibility you’ll want to return the item? All sales are final at some sites.
Is it still a deal after you factor in shipping costs?
- Keep in mind that some of the items may be final sale (no returns). Read up on the site’s return/exchange policy before you buy.
- Do a quick price comp to make sure you’re getting the deal you think you are.
- Shipping timelines on some items may be extended.
These are some of the sites I look at:
Hippo Bargains
Olivia Place
Some of my talented friends have started their own businesses! Check these out and shop locally!
Three Leaf Designs specializes in eco friendly, organic or alpaca (sometimes local yarn) hats. Children and adult hats available for custom orders. Amy's hats are gorgeous!
Odd Duck Creations makes handmade custom hats, diaper bags, and accessories made to fit your own personal style. Karis can pretty much make anything you ask her to! I gave her a picture of shoes I liked and she made some for my daughter.
Monday, January 24, 2011

We made these today and I have to say they are some of the best muffins I have ever made. And I make a lot of muffins. It's an easy breakfast or take to work food. Plus my kids will always eat them.
The ricotta cheese makes them so goooood! They don't taste cheesy though.
I cut the sugar down to 1/2 cup instead of 3/4 cup and they were definitely still sweet enough. I only had frozen blueberries and they worked just as well. Just make sure not to add them until the very end. It also made more than a dozen, so you could fill the cups up more or just make more muffins.
Make sure you do the streusel topping!
Blueberry and Ricotta Muffins Recipe
( makes 12 )
Dry Ingredients:
- 1 1/2 c flour
- 3/4 c sugar
- 1/2 tsp sea salt
- 2 tsp baking powder
Wet ingredients:
- 1/3 c canola oil
- 5 Tbs whole milk
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 egg
- 3/4 c ricotta cheese
- 1 c fresh blueberries
Streusel Topping:
- 1/4 c sugar
- 2 tbs flour
- 1 tbs butter
1. Mix the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients separately then using a spatula stir the two together until incorporated. Don’t over mix.
2. Fold in the blueberries then fill 12 muffin silicone cups 3/4 of the way full. Top with 1 tbs of streusel topping if desired or just sprinkle some sugar on top then bake @ 375″F for 20 min or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
3. Cool in the muffin cups on a wire rack for 10 min. Turn upside down and the muffins will slide out