Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas, happy things, lots of links aaand a Giveaway!

Big F for me. I did not finish my 30 days of gratitude. Meh, oh well. Move on...
Christmas is coming, our tree is up and we are getting excited! I am done my Christmas shopping and just want to do some baking etc to get ready.

I had a crappy couple of weeks. Might blog about it later but don't really feel like having this blog all about how sad etc I am
Let me say one thing though, one bathroom when everyone is sick is not fun. I really wish we had one more bathroom in this house!

Some nice things that happened to me last week:

I won not one but TWO giveaways on blogs!

The first was on my friend Kim's blog. She made some wonderful things for an at-home pedicure!
I can't wait to try everything! I think I'm going to pick the orange nail polish...
Thanks Kim!

Then one evening after the kids were in bed, I was lurking around on Facebook, saw that Kim had entered in a draw on the Simple Kids FB site and thought - why not? So I did...
and I won! I won one of these awesome playhouses for my kids!
Miss Pretty Pretty Playhouses

Now to choose one that isn't too girly, that both kids will play with AND that my husband and I will agree on...
Being a librarian, I think the Library one is neat, but growing up my dad had a market garden and so this one is pretty cool.

We were all sick with the flu this weekend and a friend brought over some chicken lemon rice soup one night. So sweet of her! Plus that is my favourite kind of soup! That made life so much easier! My husband had to stay home from work yesterday because I was out of commision so having food in the fridge to heat up for meals was so nice! Thanks Connie!

And now... in the spirit of Christmas and to copy my friends Kim, and Erica and Karis who gave away a beautiful hat (check out her website Odd Duck Creations) ....

I am doing a giveaway!!! Because I am not crafty and don't have much creative talent I am going to give away some Norwex (because I sell it and love it). I will do some shameless self promotion in another post about the merits of this wonderful stuff!

But for now in honor of the name of my blog - Washing Dishes, I will give away some of these lovely items to help you wash your dishes better!

So, if you'd like to win, simply leave a comment. And to make it interesting and because everyone else is doing it, answer the question - what is the room you hate cleaning the most in your house?

**I will do the draw on the weekend!**

Good Luck!


  1. Where to start....most would say the bathroom, but for me, it's our former office (we moved the computer to our dining room), so now it's the clothes-drying, throw-anything-you-don't-want-to-deal-with-right-now room. The basement is a close second....shudder
    Joanne Neufeldt

  2. I was going to say the bathroom (which I hate!) but I think it has to be the kitchen. We always have so much STUFF on the counters and on the kitchen table, on the chairs, etc. that before I get to actually CLEAN the kitchen I have to CLEAN UP all the stuff first!

    Bonnie Furi

  3. definitely the bathroom!! ugh!!
    tiffany b

  4. I hate to be boring and repeat what everyone else says, but it's definitely the bathroom. I miss the days when Karis would choose to clean bathrooms over vacuuming and dusting. Now I do it all!

  5. as for a room - and since I do it all the time - I don't hate any one room in particular. However, one thing in the house I hate to clean is either the fire place or a stand up shower without a showerhead hose (for ease of cleaning).

  6. I hate cleaning the kitchen so much. It seems like there's always a pile of dishes to wash or gunk on the stove or a minefield of cheerios (the hazards of giving those to the girls to snack on!) to sweep up. It's the never ending chore.

  7. i am not a fan of doing the dishes... sometimes maybe... but seriously, you do them and then 10 minutes later the sink is full... so yes - dishes it is. and the bathtub is a close second. Dana K

  8. I think the room I most dislike cleaning is the living room. No matter how clean I leave it, I always come back to it in shambles. A mess in the kitchen is my own fault, but I get so tired of dealing with the kids' mess in the living room.

    And look at you, 8 entries after only one day! You must have more readers than I do :)

  9. Pick one, you say? I understand everyone's choices, but right now, the spot here I dislike cleaning most is my basement. It is just so tough to do it by myself, so I just ignore it. Maybe over the break?

  10. Ok, I'm in. :)
    I would have to go with the kitchen as well. With two 1-year-olds underfoot and dropping crumbs and grinding food in the cracks in the floor....ugh. It's NEVERending. Seriously I can have it spotless during their afternoon nap and 15 minutes into supper it looks like a bomb went off. Then Jon walks in the door and I gotta wonder if he's thinking, "And you've done WHAT today???" :)

