Saturday, July 24, 2010

Yesterday, my mom, little sister and I met one of my "new" blogging friends and her mom for breakfast.
I say "new" because I kind of knew her from camp when I was a kid and she was a counselor. I also have been reading her blog for a long time.

She lost her dad in October. We connected awhile after that and have been in touch ever since. We have been trying to get together, with our moms (since they are in the same boat as well) since May and yesterday it finally worked!

We had a really nice time - chatted, cried a bit, laughed and talked some more. It was nice being with someone who is going through the same thing as I am and totally understands. Their loss is still so new and I feel for them going through this first summer without him.

She has been very honest in her blog and sometimes I feel like I could have written her posts. I am very thankful that we met and can be of some help to each other.

We had a really nice time and I'm looking forward to hanging out again.


  1. There is something wonderful about connecting with people who understand how you feel and the journey you are on. I feel that with some of the friends I have made who deal with infertility. I think it's neat that your mom's were there too and that you could all be a support to each other.

  2. Awe! It was really really GOOD to be together. I can't even find the words, which is quite unusual for me as I'm sure you know. It was just really really really good.
